Chapter 2


Lisp stands for List Processing and is invented by John McCarthy from MIT in mid-1950s. Common Lisp dialects are, INTERLISP, FRANZLISP, MACLISP, PC SCHEME, and COMMON LISP etc.


(a) In its "pure" form

  1. LISP computes all values by function application. The concepts of "variable", "declaration" and "assignment" do not exist.
  2. The only control mechanisms, other than (simple) function application, are recursion and the use of conditionals. The concepts of "loop", "goto" and "label" do not exist.
  3. The only non-trivial data structure which is also known as s-expression or symbolic expression is the list. (There are no records or arrays).
(b) For efficiency reasons, pure LISP is usually extended to include conventional algorithmic concepts, such as records, arrays, loops, goto's, labels, variables, declarations and assignments.

(c) The LISP translator is resident at run-time and in LISP we can write "programs which write programs".

(d) Storage can be generated dynamically. Garbage collection is handled automatically by the system. Garbage collection is a way in which memory cells are reclaimed for the free storage list. A garbage collector is invoked when the free storage lis t is near exhaustion.

(d) LISP treats data types dynamically. At one instance X may be an integer. At another instant X may be a list.

(e)E="2.1">LISP is an interactive language. Translation and execution can easily be interleaved. LISP programs are easy to debug. When a run-time error occurs, the system preserves the context of the error and we can easily interrogate this con text.


An atom is an indivisible data value such as:

'X 'BEEP 22 3.6

Also, NIL (or 'NIL) is a special atom which is used to denote the null list.


Any non-trivial expression in LISP is composed of terms of the form

(f X1.... XN)
function arguments

One must get used to this notation. In LISP, an expression such as

A * B + C * D

is written as


In Common LISP 'PLUS' is represented by the symbol (+)

2.3.1 List Diagrams

It sometimes helps to be able to draw list diagrams. Here are some examples:

2.3.2 Evaluation Inhibiting Signal

How far should the evaluation process go into an expression? LISP needs help in making this decision. For instance, let us consider the following expression:

(CAR (CDR '(A B C)))

Quote mark prevents LISP from thinking about A in (A B C) as a function to be applied to B and C.

Let us take another example.

(CAR '(CDR (A B C))) gives (CDR (A B C) to CAR.

So, the result is CDR.

Leaving out the quote mark will result in an attempt to use A as a procedure. Unless you define a procedure you will get error (undefined procedure).


(CAR   x)                Selects the "head" of a list cell   

(CDR   x)                Selects the "tail"  of a list cell 

(CONS  x  y)             Constructs the list cell
(LIST  x1  x2.. xN)      Constructs the list

This saves us from writing
CONS x1 (CONS x2 (CONS...(CONS xN NIL)))

EXPRESSION                                                           VALUE 

(CONS 'A  (LIST 'B 'C))                                           '(A  B  C) 

(CAR  '(A  B  C))                                                 'A  

(CDR '(A B C))                                                    '(B C) 

(CONS (CDR '(A B C)) (CAR '((D  E)  F)))                          '((B  C)  D E)

2.4.1 Shorthand Notation for Combinations of CAR and CDR

LISP allows the following short hand notation:

  (CADR X)    means (CAR (CDR X)) 

  (CDDR X)    means (CDR (CDR X)) 

  (CADDAR X)  means (CAR (CDR (CDR (CAR X))))
and so on.


LISP has an unusual convention for Boolean values:

           NIL   denotes  "false" 

anything else    denotes  "true"

(ATOM x) is true if x is an atom, false if x is not.

Note: NIL is classified as an atom, but is used to represent the null list.


There are two tests for equality in LISP:

EQ essentially compares addresses. (EQ 'ZAP 'ZAP) is true, since atoms are stored once only. But (EQ '(A B) '(A B)) lists with different addresses.

EQUAL performs a full recursive inspection of objects to test for equality of value. Thus (EQUAL '(A B) '(A B)) is true.

NOTE: EQUAL in safer to use than EQ.


2.7.1 Function Definitons

Here's a function to square a number:

          (LAMBDA (X)
              (TIMES  X   X)))
Having defined this function we can immediately test it

     (SQUARE 2)  ?- - -  input

           4     ?- - -  system response

At the outermost level,  LISP will read in an expression, translate it, 

evaluate it and print the result.

2.7.2 Lambda Expressions

A Lambda expression defines an anonymous function.The general form of 

a lambda expression is
                               may be (),  if no parameters
                   (LAMBDA (X1 ... XN)   exp)

which means "that function of X1 ... XN whose value is given by  the expression exp".

This function has no name.  We can use DEF to give the function a  name.

( DEF nm lam)  will associate the name "nm" with the lambda  expression "lam".

     (LAMBDA  (X  Y)                     Computes
       (DIFF (TIMES  X  X)            X2 - Y2
           (TIMES    Y  Y))))


The general form of a COND is

    (COND (c1  e1)

          (c2  e2)     "clauses"

          (cN  eN))

The meaning of the COND is given by the following flow-chart:
Note that the  entire COND is an expression which always delivers  a value (possibly NIL).

Example: Function to find the larger of two numbers.

      (DEF MAX2
         (LAMBDA  (X  Y)
                  (COND  ((GREATERP  X  Y)  X)
                         (  T  (Y)))

The flow-chart for MAX2 is

2.9 Recursive Functions

The usual approach to writing a recursive function in LISP is

  1. Break the problem up into cases. Use a COND to distinguish the cases.
  2. Specify the simple cases first.
  3. Solve the more complex cases by recursion.
Example: A factorial function. (FACT)


  1. If N = 1, FACT = 1
  2. Otherwise FACT (N) = N * FACT (N-1)
  3.    (DEF FACT
                   (LAMBDA  (N) 
                         (COND  ((EQUAL (N  1)  1) 
                                (T  (TIMES  N  (FACT  (SUB1  N)))) 
Example: A function to find the length of a list (at the top level).


  1. If L = NIL, LENGTH = O
  2. Otherwise, LENGTH = 1 + LENGTH (tail of list)
         (DEF LENGTH 
                (LAMBDA  (L) 
                      (COND  ((NULL L)  O) 
                             (T  (ADD1  LENGTH (CDR  L))   )))
Note the execution sequence for a call to LENGTH:
(LENGTH '(A  B  C))                     1st call 

  = 1 + (LENGTH  '(B  C))               2nd   " 

  = 1 + 1 + (LENGTH '(C))               3rd   " 

  = 1 + 1 + 1 + (LENGTH  NIL)           4th   " 

  = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0                       return to 4th call 

  = 1 + 1 + 1                           return to 3rd call 

  = 1 + 2                               return to 2nd call 

  = 3                                   return to 1st call
Example: Function to return the maximum value in a (non-null) list.
E.g. (MAX '(2 8 4 2)) = 8.


  1. Max of list of length 1 = head of list
  2. Otherwise

  3. MAX = max of (head of list, MAX of tail of list)
                (DEF MAX 
                     (LAMBDA  (L) 
                            (COND  ((NULL  (CDR  L))  (CAR  L)) 
                                   (T  (COND  ((GREATERP  (CAR  L) (MAX (CDR L))) 
                                                          (CAR  L)) 
                                              (T  (MAX  (CDR  L))))) 
Note: NULL checks to see if its argument is an empty list.

Example: Define a function to produce a list of replicated values.

E.g. (REP 4 'A) = '(A A A A)

      (LAMBDA  (N  X) 
          (COND  ((ZEROP  N)  NIL) 
                 (T  (CONS  X  (REP  (SUB1  N)  X))) 
Example: Function to extract the last value in a (non-null) list.

E.g. (LAST '(A B C)) = 'C

   (LAMBDA  (L) 
       (COND  ((NULL  (CDR  L)) (CAR  L)) 
              (T  (LAST  (CDR  L)))  )))
Example: Define a function to reverse a list.


    (LAMBDA  (L) 
      (COND  ((NULL L)  NIL) 
             (T  (APPEND  (REVERSE  (CDR  L)) 
                           (LIST  ((CAR  L))))  ))))

2.10 Dealing with Nested Lists ("Trees")

When writing recursive functions for lists such as:

it is usually necessary to

  1. Use a recursive call to process (CDR X)
  2. Use another recursive call to process (CAR X)
However, the second recursive call may be conditional on whether (CAR X) is atomic or not.

Example: Count the number of times that a given value V occurs in some list L.
E.g. (COUNT 6 '(2 (6 (6 3) 4) (2 6))) = 3


  1. If L is an atom (which could result from some previous recursive call), compare L to V and return 0 or 1.
  3. Otherwise

  4. (COUNT L) = (COUNT (CAR L)) + (COUNT (CDR L))
                  (DEF  COUNT 
       (LAMBDA  (V  L) 
          (COND  ((ATOM  L) 
                   (COND  ((EQ  L  V)  1)  (T  0))) 
                  (T  (PLUS  (COUNT  V  (CAR  L)) 
                             (COUNT  V (CDR  L))))   )))
Example: Define a function to "flatten" a list.

E.g. (FLATTEN '((A (B C)) (D) E)) = '(A B C D E)

      (LAMBDA (L) 
         (COND  ((NULL L)  NIL) 
                (T  (COND  ((ATOM  (CAR L)) 
                            (CONS  (CAR L) 
                                   (FLATTEN (CDR L)))) 
                           (T  (APPEND 
                                  (FLATTEN  (CAR L)) 
                                  (FLATTEN  (CDR  L)))) 
                                      ))     )))

2.11 The PROG Feature

Generally, one tends to follow a recursive style of programming in LISP. However, now and then, perhaps for efficiency reasons, it becomes necessary to use a more conventional, iterative approach. The PROG allows this. The general form of a PROG is as follows:

D may be () 
             (PROG  (locals) 



Where the Si may take one of the following forms
(exp)         (computethe expression exp and throw the result away(usually exp involves some useful side - effect) 

(RETURN exp)  Return exp as the value of the entire PROG - expression                        
   X          (X  is atomic)  X  is used as a label (GO  X)      
              Goto statement.
Usually, the PROG will contain assignments of the form
          (SETQ  V  E)
which is equivalent to the PASCAL assignment
           V  :  = E
Example: An iterative function to compute the length of a LIST.
     (LAMBDA (L) 
         (PROG (N) 
            (SETQ N  O) 
                 (COND ((NULL L)  (RETURN N))) 
                     (SETQ N (ADD1 N)) 
                        (SETQ L (CDR L)) 
                            (GO LOOP) 

2.12 The (Run-Time) Symbol Table

LISP maintains a "symbol table" containing entries of the form

For example, if X = '(A B) and Z = 4, the symbol table might appear as below:

This symbol is present at run-time and so we can change the meaning of a variable (and hence its type) at run-time. Thus, LISP is a "dynamic type" language. Many languages build the symbol table at compile-time, and the type of any variable is fixed throughout run-time.

2.13 The Run-Time Stack

All LISP functions

  1. Take their input parameters from the run-time stack.
  2. Place their result on the run-time stack.
Consider the expression 

   (PLUS  (TIMES  2 4)  (TIMES  3  3)) 

The sequence of execution will be as follows:
ACTION                          STACK 

PUSH  2                           2 

PUSH  4                           4     top                      

CALL TIMES                              (TIMES removes 2 params) 

LEAVE TIMES (RETURN)              8 

PUSH  3                           3                                   

PUSH  3                           3                                   

CALL TIMES                        8 

LEAVE TIMES                       9 

CALL PLUS                         0 
LEAVE PLUS                       17

2.14 Treatment of Locals (Function Entry-Exit)

Function parameters ğlocals are treated the following way:

  1. They are given initial values, in the symbol table, upon function entry. Where necessary, previous meanings of identifiers in the symbol table are pushed down.
  2. The symbol table is restored upon function exit.
Consider the following situation.
        (LAMBDA  (X) 
          (PROG  (Z) 
              (SETQ  Z  1) 
     (SETQ  X  '(A  B)) 
     (SETQ Z  0)       (FUN  4)
The following will happen:
  1. Just before the call (FUN 4) the symbol table will be

  2. Just after entry to FUN, the symbol table will be

  3. Just after (SETQ Z 1) in FUN, the Z - entry will be

  4. Upon leaving FUN, the symbol table will be restored to the status shown in 1

2.15 EVAL

(EVAL exp) causes exp to be translated and then evaluated.


             (SETQ  X  1) 
             (SETQ  Y  2) 
             (EVAL '(PLUS X Y))

The function COMPOSE computes f(g(x)) given f, g and x:

                 (DEF SQUARE 
                    (LAMBDA  (X)  (TIMES  X  X))) 
                 (DEF COMPOSE 
                     (LAMBDA  (F  G  X) 
                        (EVAL  (LIST  F  (LIST  G  X)))))  

                 (COMPOSE  'SQUARE  'ADD1  2) 

                 (COMPOSE   'ADD1  'SQUARE  2) 
Note that the argument submitted to EVAL was a list of the form:


MAPCAR applies a function systematically to all elements in a list.

E.g. (MAPCAR 'ADD1 '(2 3 4))
has the value '(3 4 5),
Also: (MAPCAR '(LAMBDA (X) (TIMES X X)) '(2 3 4))
has the value '(4 9 16)

2.17 APPLY

The expression (APPLY fn lst) causes the function fn to be applied to the list of arguments lst.


(APPLY  'APPLY  'ADD1    '(2))     produces 3 

     (APPLY  '(LAMBDA  (X)  (TIMES  X  X))  '(2))   produces 4 

            (APPLY  'GREATERP  '(2  3))     produces NIL.
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